Thursday 7 August 2014

Tradition is on the way out. A serious viewpoint

It's an eye opener when things you have been lead to believe were true from childhood turn out to be nonsense
Yesterday the dustmen were emptying bins at the end of the street and I stopped for some happy discourse. The first thing I noticed was that none of them were wearing hats which was a surprise. You can then imagine my shock to discover that there was not a pair of cor blimey trousers to be seen. I was appalled at this lack of respect for tradition.
Things got worse as I realised that they were mostly wearing trainers. I asked them why there wasn't a pair of daisy roots to be seen and there were mumblings of "he's probably a bloody immigrant or a care in the community"
Once I had gained their confidence I broached the subject of accomodation. Of the three men, one was living with his parents whilst the other two had semi detached dwellings in Greetland to go home to, not a council flat in sight.
It seems dustmen have now joined the aspiring middle classes and the song is in need of a 21st century update.
Tonight I will be placing my chewing gum on my bedpost and will report back my findings as to flavour in due course.