Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Dogs v People

As some will know, we have a poorly dog. Steffi has continued to have mild strokes. We got back from holiday last Saturday and on Sunday she collapsed again. She hasn't walked since. She neither ate nor drank anything for 36 hours and we called the vet to euthenise her.
The vet explained that, due to her heart failure, giving the traditional injection would be very difficult as her veins will have contracted. The alternative, an injection of sedative, can have a short term but distressing effect on the dog causing her to thrash around until it takes her away. We could not stand the thought of that. He told us that, as she wasn't neither eating nor drinking she would probably go during the night. With trepidation, we crept downstairs on Monday morning, expecting to find her dead but no, she was still with us, still hardly moving but following us with her eyes.
Come Monday afternoon, she was drinking again and showed interest when we fed Harry so we steamed her two chicken breasts which she wolfed down. Since then she has eaten two more along with a tin of tuna and a number of biscuit treats. She will still not get up. Jan is cleaning her when necessary. It is a real dilemma. I have already started to dig a hole in the garden where we can put her. She is in no apparent pain. We will ring the vet again tomorrow for more advice.
We had quite a bit of snow on Monday. Harry and Steffi loved the snow. They used to charge through it and dive into it. Steff wouldn't move and Jan took Harry out in it. He just stood still looking forlorn. It wasn't the same for him without his sister. He peed, turned and walked back into the house. He has stopped bringing toys over to Steffi to play with. He realises there is something wrong. He is just moping around. I have no idea what he will do when the inevitable happens. They are inseparable. Steffi and Harry have been perfect pets and companions. We have not had a second of bother with them. They have been totally loyal,protective but never aggressive. They adore the girls, making a fuss of them every time they visit.
They will be my last German Shepherds. I wept buckets holding my last GSD as they put her to sleep. I hope I will be more pragmatic this time but it will be tough. Dogs give you unconditional love and loyalty asking for nothing in return. How I wish I could say the same of people.


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry for you! I remember reading tweets about the german shepherd's first stroke and have actually been thinking about it several times afterwards. I lost a dog myself due to heart failure in November, a border terrier just over a year old. Dogs are very special and this was beautifully written!

  2. Just seen this. Thank you. Both died withing three months of each other and are much missed. x
