Wednesday, 27 June 2012


I would imagine that not many of my followers on Twitter would have much sympathy for the following moan. There are so many more people worse off financially than I am but, at whatever level you are at, theft can alter everything forever.

I have started three businesses and I left one of them over ten years ago but kept shares in order to have some sort of pension when I retired. I hoped, sometimes against hope, that I had left it in good hands.

For the next six years after I left, the accountant embezzled money every year, eventually stealing over £1,000,000 to fund his lifestyle. The theft only came to light when a buyer was found for the Company which would have paved the way for me to look to retirement.

After two years of investigation, the accountant pleaded guilty and was imprisoned for five years. His wife got community service. In a just sting in the tale, they were given a set time to repay the money or his sentence would be doubled and she would get three years. They have extended this deadline to the end of August this year.

Amazingly, there is a good chance that most of the money will come back as the idiot invested it in shares and property, not the usual wine women and song. What will not come back however is the closed branch and the loss of jobs he created.

People read about theft and often think "good luck to them". I hear so often that it is a victimless crime. Personally I hope he has an arse hole the size of the Mersey Tunnel when he gets out.

The story can be read on this link.

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