Thursday, 2 February 2012

I haven't been saving my crappy one liners for a while but decided to copy the December and January tweets as that's as far as Twitter will let me go back.
Hope you stay awake till the end.

People tell me I have a huge problem when people ignore me but I disagree and tell them it is only a slight problem.
I'm not sure what type of artificial limb I will be getting following my accident but plans are afoot.
Necrophiliacs are dead annoying
When it comes to being knocked down in a boxing ring, you can count me out.
My mate asked me how he could improve his snooker cue action so I gave him some tips.
dietician --- dreadful attempt to copy Italian painting style
In my early 50's I developed an unhealthy interest in women who delivered babies. A psychiatrist dismissed it as a midwife crisis.
bespoke --- The buzz word
Michael Hutchence is the perfect example of what happens if you drink inxs
Just got the playing order for the world IVF tennis tournament and disappointed I am not one of the seeds.
Just been to the cinema to watch a sad and very poignant film about a French onion seller. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.
Just left my job at the local nuclear plant and they have kindly given me some glowing references
Just come up with a solution to open manholes. It's a grate idea
Just been appointed chief designer for an Australian trouser manufacturer. The directors believe together we will make great strides.
I'd like to convert the roofspace in our house into a room.. I have always had lofty ambitions
I asked my fellow domino players what was the use of a piece with no dots on it but they all gave me blank looks.
I argued with a mate about the route sewage in Grimsby takes to the sea. It's not resolved but I suppose it'll all come out in the wash.
Women with loose hanging hair. Get a grip.
I was an early favourite for the running in a straight line marathon but following an injury I have ruled myself out.
Just read a fantastic novel written by an ex Pickfords employee. It was a moving story.
I got a part in a film playing myself but I have to wear an outrageous cod piece in a scene. I hate making cameo appearances.
The Gyspy fortune teller was not happy to receive a face full of horse shit when she asked the lone ranger to cross her palm with Silver.
Thieves have stolen a huge quantity of sand, cement and gravel from a Halifax Merchants. Police hope to soon have concrete evidence turn up.
I'm starting a septic tank appreciation society. All members must be able to mind their own business.
I can't help thinking that Jude Law would have been very unpopular in Nazi Germany.
I just bought a plasma TV. It has to have a blood transfusion every week or the picture fades.
My partners at our gusset makers are insisting on thinner material being used. We used to be in harmony but the cracks are beginning to show
Playing cards down at the osteoporosis day care centre brings a whole new meaning to a game of snap.
The siege at the worsted trouser makers in Wolverhampton is largely over although police are still encountering pockets of resistance.
I've always wanted to buy a duck feather duvet but I can't even afford the down payment.
I'm writing an expose about a an American rock band who wore ridiculous face paint and a Swiss hero cross bow user. It'll be a kiss and Tell
As a Tourettes sufferer with a weak bladder, I have to constantly mind my Pees and queues.
I hated it when I worked at a dried fruit processors. Everyone kept asking me for dates.
Just waiting to hear from the patents office to register my new design for an abacus. I'm counting on it being a success.
I love my wife's right leg. I also love her left leg but since she had a hysterectomy I haven't been able choose between them
My partner continually fantasises about having sex with a Welshman. I'm beginning to wonder is she could be Dai curious.
I prefer to make love to my adorable Betty by taking her in the conifers and also in the privet. I love to hedge my Bets.
I'm chasing a reward to find the killers who used coconut chocolate bars to choke their victims. There is a bounty on their heads.
I asked a girl in the red light area whether she was "doing business". Yes she replied and asked me for a toilet roll and a plastic bag.
We have a local second hand shop run by a woman who shows her breasts for any bits of old rubbish you bring in. She calls it Tit for Tat
Our local PTA asked for volunteers using beach hand puppets to explain masturbation to kids. I complained vehemently and pulled no punches.
When I was born, My Dad wanted to call me after his dad but my mother refused saying Afterhisdad was a silly name..
Every time I walk the dog, other owners copy her style. She's a real trend Setter.
Asked, at a press conference, whether he would be giving answers, Chief Constable Grimes replied "Without Question"
Kent police say that 24 cross ply and radials were stolen from the forces car wheels yesterday. They will work tryelessly to catch the thief
Vegetarians are such hypocrites. They won't eat dead flesh yet continually eat meals with pulses.
I keep refusing surgery at the local hospital and they want to cancel future procedures. I objected as I want to keep all op shuns open.
My mate wants me to put money into a new design of kite he has developed but I can't help thinking he is just stringing me along.
Had a number two. On my head. From the barber. Fortunately he is not on twitter and didn't misunderstand me.
I just got the contract to clean and maintain the Mills industrial chimney. I intend to bring about sweeping changes.
Should I buy shares in or take a partnership out with a playground equipment manufacturers? My advisor says it's swings and roundabouts
prostrate ----- price charged by ex formua one driver for lectures
My mate was determined to take up square dancing but I managed to talk him round.
My long service present from my employer, a maker of plumbing tools for giants, echoed my feelings on retiring. It was a huge wrench.
Nicolas Sarkozy is to form a French version of the U.S. Tea party at the next election. He will run Teacosy party
Whilst in Austria I asked, in my best German, for "Ein Zimmer bitte". They gave me two walking sticks and a disabled parking sticker.
X Factors Tulisa is to join the BBC as the long overdue replacement for animal impersonator Percy Edwards. The BBC are using her for NDubz.
When it comes to growing top quality, award winning mushrooms, the French are the champignons.
The cravat manufacturers I invested in are losing money fast so I have decided to sever all ties
One rarely sees Germans in groups of four. They seem to live in vier of it.
People with husky voices are excellent at barking out orders
I forgot to buy the kids fireworks for New Year but, after explaining the situation to them, they let me off.
The journey was made exciting when an escaped convict ran down the aisle of the plane. It later turned out to be the in flight entertainment
We stayed in an Austrian castle whilst on holiday. Beer was cheap so we were Schlossed for the whole week.
Austrian butchers have brought out a sausage made from seabird meat. It's a tern for the wurst.
VW have brought out a car that can only be paid for by money donated to charity. They are calling it the Volkswagen Passat Round.
My mate works in the local sewage plant. When people ask him what he does for a living he tells them he is in between jobs.
Read the amazing biography by a Jewish priest who composed beautiful poetry after being badly scarred in a fire. He's called Rabbi Burns
Anyone who didn't understand my earlier tweet about melted butter, please d.m. me and I'll clarify it for you
Just signed a contract with the Chinese to import pressed wild flowers. The whole venture is now cut and dried.
Apparently, football playing ants never progress beyond grass roots level
My wife forgot to attend her slimming world class today. She is simply wasting a weigh.
The National Truss society is appealing for unused appliances to send to Africa. I am lending my support.
In medieval times. people sentenced to a spell in the stocks always looked for the eggs hit signs as they were locked in.
A group of little shits have formed a Steve Marriot tribute group. They call themselves the Small Faeces.
Nissan have brought out a new car aimed at the nostalgia market and expect sales to go with a bang. The Nissan Hut is launched in February.
I always find my shed is a good place to keep my inhibitions.
Listening to Ossie Ardiles speaking is like someone taking the piss out of Ossie Ardiles speaking.
Our fullback got sent off for urinating against the upright. He misunderstood being told to mark the post.
The vet just told me about an amazing article describing the treatment given to a very poorly dog. He couldn't put it down.
Just went out for lunch with a manager from Dow Jones. She spent all the mealtime trying to play F.T.S.E. with me.
I can't remember what the order, the instructions given to me by the chemist to stop my scalp itching are so I'm starting again from scratch
Police have advised the public not to approach a mental patient who grafted limbs of dead people onto his shoulders, as he is heavily armed.
Disgusted at ASDA. I took a scarf back today, as it was too tight and they refused to change it.
I can't decide whether to give up work and become a full time writer. It looks a good choice on paper.
I wanted to join a monastery of devout individual praying monks but they told me I had no chants.
My mate is a useless burglar. Even after a ten mile run he couldn't even break into a sweat.
My clock would only tick after I spilt a gin and tonic on it. It's now undergoing detox.
In 1692 Purcell wrote "The Fairy-Queen" widely regarded as being the first soap opera.
I have reported the local hospital A and E department for racism. The middle of my leg has gone black and they say it is a knee growth.
Just bought a camera with a zoom lens and I can't catch the bloody thing.
The client didn't like my portrait of him saying there was too much light on his face. He was happy however, once I drew the curtains.
I invented a truth serum that I thought would be a winner but it turned out to have underlying problems.
What's the difference between a little Dickie bird and Always Ultra super absorbent pads? One flaps its wings, the other wings its flaps.
My attempts to find a suitable sexual partner are meeting with mounting opposition
Just checked out It really is a site for sore eyes.
Q) What famous musician and composer went on strike in the 1980's opposing Thatcher and supporting Scargill? A) My Coal Field
n a pub quiz I couldn't think of a single poet ending with the letters w o r t h. When I saw the answer I was totally lost for words
shellfish, crabs, crayfish, sea anemones, starfish, and snails are all bottom feeders so make sure you only ever paddle up to your knees
Someone in the office just laced the Chairman's tea with liquid laughing gas. It's caused a real brouhaha
Barbers are now selling self inflating condoms for men who want something for the weak end
Our local brothel has a room for ladies with weak pelvic floors. Due to the discount prices the girls are known locally as the tenner ladies
My mate became a priest and was court martialled whilst serving on a submarine under the North Pole. He was accused of in sub ordination
I just read an article about an androgynous man with mood swings who reached the north and south poles . He was the first bipolar explorer.
Strategy in tiddleywinks is all counter attack.
Police refuse to say how a man, found dead with a book in his hand on railway track, died. I think it was suicide, reading between the lines
My mate played a Venetian Blinds salesman in a local play and was so good he took twelve curtain calls
My mate took six weeks off work saying he had been kicked by a cow. Personally I think he was milking it.
Is bootleg alcohol brewed from socks and sweaty feet?
I've written a silent Christmas play about a pair of knickers. It's the first ever pantymime
Just slipped on an onion soaked in vinegar. I can't get up. I'm in a real pickle.
I just won first prize in the long distance yodelling championships. It's a far cry from my previous challenges.
I get turned on by tragedy. Friends are horrified that one day I will come to grief.
I'm thinking of calling my new low key bucket shop enterprise "pails into insignificance"
My Uncle wants to leave his estate to me whilst my Aunt wants to leave it to my sister. I have no idea who is winning this battle of wills.
Until my operation I thought scar tissue was something you wiped up with after wanking over a poster of the Specials.
I just got a copy of the magnificent seven, with Brinner's photo on the sleeve, covered in Chocolate Cake. It was the Yule log version.
I've written a film script set in WW2 about a short love affair between poultry breeders in a station. It's called brief hen counter
Gardeners at stately homes are into haughty culture
The British womens menopausal 4 x 400mtr relay team are having difficulty in training going through the change.
Apparently, due to a poor breeding season, Petrel prices are soaring this winter
Police were tipped off about an illegal defecation contest but the raid was unsuccessful as the contestants had already scattered.
There has been a break in by activists at the Bic Biro plant. Police advise things are under control and the rioters are penned in
Although knighted, I had little confidence in my surgeon Sir Gerry Newbie
My ailing car breakdown "get you home" service is on the road to recovery.
We play a version of knock out whist where every time you lose a hand you eat a can of baked beans. There are no trumps allowed in the game.
Just been prescribed some new tablets made by the Testament Drugs Co. No idea if they are any good but apparently Moses swore by them.
A brothel has opened using only dwarves for the clients. Business is booming as there is plenty of action but no small talk.
After flattening my arm in a metal press, staff at the hospital were pleased at my recovery, giving me a big hand when I left
I'd love to wear a toupee but I'm afraid to let my hair down
All the hours are really great in my opinion but, at the end of the day, it has to be midnight.
My neighbour is an angry, epileptic, dyslexic and is always shaking his fits at me
Eczema, Impetigo, dermatitis, Psoriasis and ringworm. I'd like to make it plain I am not responsible for these or any other rash statements.
Never get into an argument with an aggressive gay man. They don't tend to mince their words.
I've entered a dance competition where a woman I fancy is competing. With a bit of luck I'll have her knickers in a twist.
The mystery behind the composition of Bolero is beginning to unravel
Competition at the World pepper Milling championships was tough but I managed to grind out a result.
I watched the Tinker tailor film all about a plant in Mi5. Bloody daft it was. It was obviously the aspidistra in reception.
I couldn't think of a word for less soft. My teacher told me I must try harder
Don't eat fish and chips out of the Liverpool echo or they will keep repeating on you.
I've written a love story about two computer engineers who meet whilst installing new memory. It'll make a great ramcom for the telly.
Tight arsed neighbour just borrowed, flour, eggs, sugar and butter from us.I think she is making a sponge cake.
I entered the world ignoring people championships. It was disappointing how I was judged. I lost by ten points. I lacked a ten shun.
I understand that gay men are hopeless at practical jokes as they are unable to keep a straight face.
I've pitched a game to Channel 4. 15 identical boxes hold parts of female chefs and their names are guessed. It's called Delia or no Delia.
I'm opening a nautical themed dog grooming service specialising in wrinkly, short-muzzled faced dogs. I'm calling it Captain Pug Washes.
Even when my mate surprised us all by announcing he was gay, I refused to turn my back on him.
Illness forced me to miss both the Monte Carlo and Dakar events this year but I'm pleased to say the other drivers rallied round.
My mate is always asking pungent satirical questions. He has no apparent boundaries to his nastiness so we call him the the barbed whyer
For sale: Stamp Album. Seller Collects
Never play eyes pie with a cannibal.
Just got a photo of the Ipswich manager having a pint with a blonde in a pub. As a press photographer, for me it's the Jewell in the Crown
A local landlord refuses to rent to thin and bony tenants. I challenged him on the issue and threw down the gaunt let.
Viagra was a revolution in treating erectile dysfunction but testicle transplants are a whole new ball game.
I've just backed out of a course aimed to improve my reversing skills when driving.
Just read that pornography on the internet is going to be banned. What is the world coming too?
The bloke who raises the flag on the town hall pole is over seven foot tall. He sets really high standards.
I think my wife has trimmed her lady garden as her knickers are soiled.
My wife wanted to call our first kid Neil but I knew he wouldn't stand for it when he got older.
My mate was killed when he got trapped in an automatic door. It's his funeral today and hopefully we will all then have closure.
I thought Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells was over 5 hours long until I realised I had tinnitus
Just fell out with my partner over the content of our new dictionary. We had words.

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