Tuesday, 9 August 2011


In my oh so humble opinion we are now paying the price of 50 years of appeasement in government. Once the war years became a distant memory for the population the whole concept of "sticking together" lost reality. Successive governments served up policies designed to keep themselves in power rather than confronting post war issues that were multiplying as each decade went by. The rise of political correctness stopped free speech and marginalised the vast majority of the population enabling the extreme left and extreme right to hold ridiculous levels of power.

The blindfolded headlong rush to integrate into Europe speeded up the decline as powers once held as sacrosanct were handed over to faceless bureaucrats who were, in most senses of the word, none accountable. Employment law perfectly summarises this countries decline. In the forty plus years I have been at work the changes are unimaginable. No-one wants to go back to Victorian employment laws where workers lives were held with a certain level of contempt but we have now gone full circle the other way. I have started three businesses  which have employed over 100 people over the years. Faced with starting out now, I would not even consider it. Employment law is a minefield, loaded against the employer. I would never now employ a woman who could get pregnant. I simply wouldn't be able to afford the benefits she would be entitled to should she become pregnant. Large corporations can afford these benefits but small firms cannot. Twitter followers have seen my sense of humour. I would have to curtail it completely as an employer to ensure I did not offend a sensitive employee with an off the cuff remark. I have friends and acquaintances who have fallen foul of these state sponsored "human rights" crimes and it is cheaper to pay up a vexatious claim than fight in court against a no win no fee opponent.

I import my products from Taiwan. I would love to buy from the UK but the quality and price is not available as manufacturing has been encouraged to decline. The red tape involved in manufacturing has to be seen to be believed and making them myself is simply not an option.

This is all relevant to the scenes in London. We are no longer a democracy. We are a society where the majority is silenced by legislation and the fringes of both sides rule as successive governments try to appease and show themselves as equitable. Labour, conservative, liberal, there is no real difference. I am afraid the UK is in a downward spiral it will never recover from. I am only pleased I will not be here to see its demise and I fervently hope my Grandchildren take my advice and seek pastures new.

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